Today at 12.2am our father Dungsey Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche entered into Parinirvana.
At the moment Rinpoche is in a state of Thukdam at Orgyen Cho Dzong.
At the moment Rinpoche is in a state of Thukdam at Orgyen Cho Dzong.
Our family is grateful for your prayers and love .
今日 2018 年 4 月 15 日,藏曆二月三十日尊貴的董瑟仙盼達瓦仁波切(第二世敦珠法王最小兒子,三世敦珠仁波切叔叔),圓寂於美國,以此發生無常之事我等深受遺憾,但為大德上師宏願圓滿並且上師早日轉世繼續弘法利生,請各為法脈傳承弟子近兩月之內多行善法功德,祈願回向無邊眾生。