




In this world, there is nothing more cherished nor more precious than life itself.  Therefore, my exceedingly kind protector, sovereign of all buddha families, His Holiness Chatral Dorje Chang taught about the importance for the living to apply themselves to the practice of life ransoming and release with totally pure intentions.  For the entirety of his life, Chatral Rinpoche thought about helpless and humble animals, under the force of karma.  So upon recollecting the supreme kindness of my peerless refuge and guide, known from the liberating story of his life deeds, and to fulfi ll the wisdom intention of my sublime glorious guru within the profundity of the dharmadhatu, I am making an effort every year to save the lives of fish, goats, sheep, females and males of the yak breed and other creatures.  I do this with the wish for the spread and increase of the precious teaching of Buddha everywhere, for the health and longevity of those great beings who uphold the doctrine, for peace and happiness throughout the world , and for all to revel in joy, free from harm and misfortune.  This year on the great celebration day of the amazing month of miracles in the Tibetan Earth Dog year, I am liberating female yak-cows, male yaks, and sheep.  I dedicate the roots of this merit, illustrating all virtuous deeds amassed in the past, present, and future, as a cause for the great awakening of all beings.

May the Three Supremes, the Three Roots, and the oath-bound virtuous protectors and deities be supportive and may the meaning of the aspirations expressed above be accomplished just exactly as wished!

Written by Sangye Pema Zheba, the one named as the Dudjom incarnation, in the month of miracles in the Tibetan Earth Dog year.




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