- 慈林倫珠喇嘛講述 盧瑞棻翻譯
- 講述日期:2015/4/14(二)藏曆2月25日
我們這是密乘的教法。蓮師說密乘的教法如果沒有灌頂而修的話,得不到任何加持。所以灌頂非常重要。因為各位對本中心非常幫忙,所以兩位喇嘛也有這樣的心願,希望將來能幫助各位從 敦珠法王那裡得到三根本的灌頂。因為得到灌頂是最重要的開頭,而三根本的灌頂是最基本的。得到三根本的灌頂再實修的話,就可以得到加持。得到三根本的灌頂之後,就可以實修我們傳承的法,從前行到正行,到最後立斷、頓超的法。很完整的法,這裡全部都有。這是只修一輩子就可以讓你成就的法。
嚴格講起來, 敦珠法王本來就是佛,與佛無二無別的。這是釋迦牟尼佛、蓮花生大士以及往後一些大成就者親口說的。這不是可以人為造勢、哄抬身價、稱贊的,這是可以從理論上理解證實的。我們幾位喇嘛不是笨的人,我們也觀察過很多上師。從很有名的上師到躲在山洞閉關實修的小上師,這些大大小小的上師都觀察過了。諸位如果將來想認識上師的話,請教喇嘛應該比較準確。因為這幾個喇嘛都是從小就跟上師一起長大的,他們給各位的建議絕對是有利的,不會傷害到各位。因為於公於私,各位對他們幫助很大,對他們都有恩德。
- 慈林倫珠喇嘛講述 盧瑞棻翻譯
- 講述日期:2015/4/14(二)藏曆2月25日
當時有佛住世,佛號具能金剛持,就是 敦珠法王的第一世。因此 敦珠法王其實早就成佛了,他是具能金剛持的一再轉世,當然本身就是具能金剛持。如果他不是佛的話,就跟我們一樣是凡夫了。從釋迦牟尼佛、蓮花生大士以及後續的大成就者都知道這一段歷史。對於 敦珠法王即是具能金剛持佛的轉世深信不疑,對於 敦珠法王即是佛的事實沒有絲毫疑惑。在我們佛教地位最高的就是釋迦牟尼佛,再來就是蓮花生大士。他們兩位都親口講說 敦珠法王就是具能金剛持佛轉世,就不可能有不同意見。所以我們的根本上師就是佛,我們的法不只是珍貴而已。
- 慈林倫珠喇嘛講述 盧瑞棻翻譯
- 講述日期:2015/4/14(二)藏曆2月25日
- 慈林倫珠喇嘛講述 盧瑞棻翻譯
- 講述日期:2015/4/14(二)藏曆2月25日
今天是空行母薈供日,也是 三世敦珠法王的生日,非常殊勝。因此今天修的法具有雙重意義,功德很大。
His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche's final speech after concluding Dudjom Tersar Empowerment at Samye Memorial Monastery in May, 2014
His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche's final speech after concluding Dudjom Tersar Empowerment at Samye Memorial Monastery in May, 2014
Today, I want to share brief discourse about the Empowerment in general and the Dudjom Tersar Empowerment in particular. Until today, I have finished to confer almost entire empowerments from Dudjom Lingpa's Collected Works, except few Dharmapala life-empowerments and life-entrustments. As for the lineage, from whom I received, can be counted as follows: First one is Treasure Revealer Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1904) himself transmitted to his eight sons and heart disciple Gyurme Ngedon Wangpo - to Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987) - to Gojo Orgyen Chechok - and he conferred to me. Second one is from Dudjom Lingpa himself to his son Dorje Dradul (1891-1959) - to Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche, from whom I received the complete practice manuals and Dzogchen teachings. Third one is from Dudjom Lingpa himself to his son Trime Ozer (1881-1924) - to Dzongter Kunzang Nyima (1904-1958) - to Tulku Theklo (b. 1937) from whom I received entire Empowerments, including Dharmapala life-entrustments. Moreover, I also received empowerments and important major teachings of upper and lower Dudjom Tersar from Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, like Secret-seal Heart Practices, Three Root Practices, Drollo and Vajrakilaya etc. Transmission lineage is like that.
The Seed of Faith (5)
The Seed of Faith (5)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Yangsi has been unanimously praised as the unmistaken reincarnation of the great treasure-finder Dudjom Rinpoche by a large number of learned and accomplished masters of the ancient and new translation schools of the Land of Snows such as the lord of refuges Dzarong Trulzhik Rinpoche, the glorious throneholder of Sakya Ngawang Thekchen Pelbar Rinpoche and Kunzang Trinle Lhundrub Rinpoche who is the present Gyalwa Drigung Kyabgon.
I, Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo, have been permitted to publicize this short account of the lord of refuges Yangsi Rinpoche’s sequential acts of service in respect of the sacred teachings and his sequential enlightened activities on behalf of the Buddhist teaching and living beings.
The Seed of Faith (4-3)
The Seed of Faith (4-3)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Pilgrimages (2)
In 2004 (wood monkey year) during the anniversary ceremonies commemorating the passing of the Sugata and lord of refuges Dudjom Rinpoche, in accordance with the wishes of Sangyum Kuzhab Chenmo Rigdzin Wangmo, he spent one day presiding over the ceremony of great spiritual attainment (sgrub chen) of Vajrakila: Razor of Meteor (Phur pa gnam lcags spu gri) at Orgyan Chokhorling, the residence of his predecessor. Consequently the important students and patrons of his predecessor arrived and when they had an audience with him, he pleased them by accepting their mandala offering comprising representative images, books and stupas. When he met the Sangyum Kuzhab Chenmo, he accepted the robes of his predecessor, along with some precious relics retrieved while he had remained seated in meditation after death.
Then in accordance with the invitation of the lord of refuges Dungdzin Garab Dorje Rinpoche, of Lama Nyingkhu who had been a student of his predecessor the great treasure finder, and of others, he visited the whole of Eastern and Western Bhutan, and above all the “valley of good auspices” (Mangal’i ljongs) in Eastern Bhutan. The devout members of the monastic and lay communities and the people as a whole welcomed him with faith, respect and enthusiasm.
The Seed of Faith (4-2)
The Seed of Faith (4-2)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Pilgrimages (1)
From time to time Yangsi has frequented the consecrated places of spiritual attainment, as well as power places, great snow massifs, rocks and lakes, hidden lands and monasteries, such as those in the Ngari Prefecture of Upper Tibet exemplified by Mt Kailash, those in Utsang, including the three glorious places where the wheel of the sacred teachings was initially turned, the power places of upper and lower Dokham, Wutaishan and so forth in China, as well as places in Nepal, exemplified by the three major stupas, the great power places associated with the Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha in India, and those of Bhutan including Paro Taktsang.
Having effectively completed his inspection of the power places and the making of extensive offerings there, he has sealed these acts with a dedication of merit undertaken without reference to any particular objective, for the benefit of the Buddhist teaching and all living beings. Moreover, in all circumstances, he is continuously engaged in uninterrupted acts of offering, including those which are delivered up to the Three Precious Jewels, and donations that are handed down to beggars. Through such composite actions, he is endowed with great generosity.
The Seed of Faith (4-1)
The Seed of Faith (4-1)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Studies, Meditations & Pilgrimages
Then with regard to his studies, at first the lord of refuges Chatral Rinpoche began by instructing him in writing and reading, preceded by the transmission of the Eulogy to Venerable Manjughosa which starts with the words He Whose Intelligence… (rje btsun ‘jam pa’i dbyangs kyi bstod pa gang gi blo ma) since this has the function of developing higher discriminative awareness.
Then in succession he offered Yangsi the instructions in their entirety, including the complete maturational empowerments, liberating guidance and supporting instructions associated with the graduated path of the preliminaries and main practices of the Three Roots, which accord with his own lineage (rang lugs rtsa gsum).
The Seed of Faith (3-2)
The Seed of Faith (3-1)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
The Recognition Process (2)
Then, when the child met the lord of refuges Dungse Rinpoche Jigme Tsewang Trinle Norbu, he conferred the maturational empowerment upon him by means of the Three Roots (rtsa ba gsum), the treasures of enlightened intention revealed by his venerable father, the previous awareness-holder, and by means of the Dudjom terma Vajrakila: Razor of Meteor (bDud ‘joms phur pa gnam lcags spu gri). In this way a virtuous act was performed, ensuring that obstacles and demonic forces would be overcome.
When the lord of refuges and regent of Padmakara, Drubwang Pema Norbu visited the Jyekundo area in Kham, in order to establish the auspicious coincidence for Yangsi’s long-life, he offered a pair of carpets with an auspicious design and issued a favourable written proclamation.
The Seed of Faith (3-1)
The Seed of Faith (3-1)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
The Recognition Process
When Jamyang Khyenste Rinpoche of Dzongsar, the regent of the impartial teachings, visited Kham, he said that this son of the enlightened family was certainly a genuine spiritual being of the Nyingma tradition which maintains the ancient translations. Apart from that, on account of certain temporary obstacles that had to be resisted, he did not declare him by name as the reincarnation of Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, but nonetheless meaningfully recognized him as such.
By means of the transmission of the prayer to Manjughosa that begins with the words “He whose intelligence…” (gang gi blo ma) and the Yab ka mtsho-skyes thugs thig, a treasure of enlightened intention brought forth by the previous great treasure finder Dudjom Rinpoche, he conferred upon the child the maturational empowerments through which the three secret centres of his body, speech and mind assumed the essence of the immortal Saroruhavajra. He conferred the name Pema Osal upon him—an act that had a genuine purpose.
The Seed of Faith (2)
The Seed of Faith (2)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Family Background & Birth
Among all these successive emanations, Yangsi Rinpoche the lord of refuges, issued from the familial lineage (gdung rgyud) of the local ruler and religious king of Kanam, who had been granted dominion in Puworong by Pude Gungyal or Jatri Tsenpo, the ninth king in the line of the first Tibetan monarch Nyatri Tsenpo. His father was Dola Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, a son of the late lord of refuges Dudjom Rinpoche, and the sixteenth incarnation in the line of Dola Chokyi Drakpa, who has been an actual student of Drogon Chogyal Phakpa. His mother is Pema Khandro. He took birth as their son at Jyekundo in Kham, one among the six precious tribal groups of Gawa in the Upper Dokham (mdo stod) region of Eastern Tibet, on the twenty-fifth day of the second month of the Iron Horse Year of the seventeenth Tibetan year cycle (1990)—a day of the lunar calendar when the dakinis gather.
While he was in his mother’s womb and also at the time when he was born, his venerable father experienced a dream in which the lord of refuges appeared in his own quarters, in a disposition that brought joy to the Sugatas. He saw him seated upon a high and resplendent teaching-throne. Then when he was actually being born, rays and lights permeated the bedroom inside and outside, and there were other such wondrous signs. Diverse wondrous signs also arose in the locality of Jyekundo, which was pervaded by an auspicious and virtuous light. For these reasons, all members of the monastic body and the lay community, high and low, said that a truly sublime individual had undoubtedly taken birth upon the earth. In this way the pleasant news permeated the world—East and West, like the wind.
The Seed of Faith (1)
The Seed of Faith
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Sangye Pema Zhepa Drodul Rigdzin Trinle Drupeide Pelzangpo, the immediate subsequent incarnation (yang srid) of the lord of refuges Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, who was the definitive regent of Padmakara, lord among conquerors, and the head of the Nyingma school, which preserves the ancient translations of the secret mantra vehicles, has definitively attained manifest buddhahood, inseparable from the conquerors who embody the atemporal buddha-body of reality (dhamakaya), and yet, through the emanational play of great compassion, he is present even now as the essence of the mandala of the buddha-body of perfect resource (sambhogakaya), which naturally manifests and is endowed with five certainties. On that basis, he assumes the forms of the buddha-body of emanation (nirmanakaya), which trains living beings throughout the world-systems of the ten directions, and continues to act on their behalf.
Previous Lives
It was as such, for the while, that he assumed the form of the buddha-body of indestructible reality (vajrakaya), as a powerful and mighty lord of yoga, for the sake of those to be trained in this Auspicious Aeon (bhadrakalpa), receiving empowerments and prophetic declarations in the presence of the Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha, the guide of the Auspicious Aeon. During this period when the precious teachings of Shakyaketu, the fourth distinct guide of the Auspicious Aeon, continue to illuminate the world, he has taken birth as Shariputra, one of the supreme pair of great pious attendants who followed the Teacher himself. Furthermore, he also incarnated continuously in the successive forms of great spiritual beings who authentically adorned and elucidated the teachings of the conqueror. In India, they included the brahmana Saraha, Krishnadhara the religious minister of Oddiyana, and the master Humakara. In Tibet the Land of Snows, they included Drokben Khyeuchung Lostawa, Jowo Smritijnanakirti, Rongzom Chokyi Zangpo, Katok Dampa Deshek, Palden Ling Repa, Drogon Chogyal Phakpa, Khar Nagpa of Drum, Hepa Chokyi Jungne, Traktung Dudul Dorje, Gyelse Sonam Detsen, Dudul Rolpatsel and in particular, Terchen Traktung Dudjom Lingpa, the lord of refuges Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, and now the lord of refuges, Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Drodul Rigdzin Trinle Drubpeide—he on whose divine fortune our flowers of empowerment now alight.
Future Lives
In the future also, it is predicted that he will assume the form of the Kulika Rudra, king of Shambhala, and destroy the armies that assault the borders of the Buddhist world.
Finally it is predicted that he will attain buddhahood in the essence of the Tathagata Anantadhimoksa (mos pa mtha’ yas) and as such he will continue to rouse the world-systems of living beings compassionately from their very depths.
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