The Seed of Faith (4-3)
By Khenpo Tamdin Gyalpo & Translated by Dr. Gyurme Dorje
Pilgrimages (2)
In 2004 (wood monkey year) during the anniversary ceremonies commemorating the passing of the Sugata and lord of refuges Dudjom Rinpoche, in accordance with the wishes of Sangyum Kuzhab Chenmo Rigdzin Wangmo, he spent one day presiding over the ceremony of great spiritual attainment (sgrub chen) of Vajrakila: Razor of Meteor (Phur pa gnam lcags spu gri) at Orgyan Chokhorling, the residence of his predecessor. Consequently the important students and patrons of his predecessor arrived and when they had an audience with him, he pleased them by accepting their mandala offering comprising representative images, books and stupas. When he met the Sangyum Kuzhab Chenmo, he accepted the robes of his predecessor, along with some precious relics retrieved while he had remained seated in meditation after death.
Then in accordance with the invitation of the lord of refuges Dungdzin Garab Dorje Rinpoche, of Lama Nyingkhu who had been a student of his predecessor the great treasure finder, and of others, he visited the whole of Eastern and Western Bhutan, and above all the “valley of good auspices” (Mangal’i ljongs) in Eastern Bhutan. The devout members of the monastic and lay communities and the people as a whole welcomed him with faith, respect and enthusiasm.
Then in accordance with the invitation of the lord of refuges Dungdzin Garab Dorje Rinpoche, of Lama Nyingkhu who had been a student of his predecessor the great treasure finder, and of others, he visited the whole of Eastern and Western Bhutan, and above all the “valley of good auspices” (Mangal’i ljongs) in Eastern Bhutan. The devout members of the monastic and lay communities and the people as a whole welcomed him with faith, respect and enthusiasm.
In early and later times while staying in Nepal, he repeatedly visited, as requested, the monasteries associated with the spiritual tradition of the New Treasures, which is his own lineage, including Yanglesho Rigdzin Drubpei Gatsal, Orgyan Dongak Chokhorling where the physical relics of his predecessor the lord of refuges, are instated, Pal Shedrub Dojoling- the monastic college of the spiritual teacher Khetsun Zangpo Rinpoche who elucidates the teaching of the ancient translation school, and Samye Jedren Shedrub Gatsel, the seat of Khen Yeshe Zangpo Rinpoche. There he fulfilled their hopes and wishes in accordance with the sacred teachings.
In accordance with the wishes of Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, a great ornament of the Buddhist teaching, Yangsi visited Pelyul Namgyal Jangchubling in Eastern Tibet, where he presided over an assembly during the inauguration and consecration of the newly built temple and its sacred contents. Also, in accordance with the wishes of the lord of refuges Dordrak Rigdzin Chenmo, he visited Thubten Dorjedrak and performed the procedures of consecration for the newly installed images, books and stupas.
While on pilgrimage in India, Yangsi visited the Mindroling branch monastery, where the members of the monastic and lay communities all welcomed him in an elaborate procession. The lord of refuges Minling Trichen Rinpoche met him and he presided for one day over the assembly during the rite of great spiritual attainment of the mandala clusters, according to Nyangral’s Eight Transmitted Precepts: Gathering of the Sugatas (bKa’ brgyad bde ‘dus).
Then in accordance with a specific invitation extended to him during the fifth anniversary of the passing of the lord of refuges and great monastic preceptor Jigme Phuntsok, he proceeded to Vajrasana Bodh Gaya, where the spiritual teachers, tulkus, monastic preceptors and students of the great Nyingma monasteries, representing the ancient translation school, headed by the lord of refuges Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, along with a gathering of many thousands, arrayed an extensive cloud mass of offerings in connection with that anniversary.
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