

在歇武多幹寺年休假期間,寺院及全體信徒在此舉行祭山供護的快樂節日,由尊貴的敦珠法王和多拉活佛昂文羅週圖旦曲傑尼瑪仁波切主持,所有僧眾供奉三寶以及各護法所有聖山,祈願世界各地,風調雨順,佛光普照,並為諸護法殿維修圓滿開光廣大信眾舉行了 - 賽馬,射劍,唱歌,跳舞等歡樂表演,最後由尊貴的敦珠法王給全體信徒灌心想事成頂和長壽菩薩頂的感恩吉祥圖。

每年在甘肅 Do修道院的夏季休養期間,都會為在山頂上進行的神聖煙霧提供儀式。同樣地,今年整個修道院社區聚集在一起,享受這個快樂和歡樂的夏季慶祝活動。在這個場合,尊者Dudjom仁波切和Do Lama的崇高化身,Ngawang Lodro Thupten Chokyi Nyima 仁波切主持了僧伽集會,為三寶石,誓言保護者,當地神靈進行廣泛的煙霧祭祀和讚美儀式這片土地,以及所有仁慈的守護者。儀式象徵著對世界的幸福的召喚,並慶祝完成了一個宏偉的新保護神殿的建設。在賽馬,射箭,歌曲的慶祝活動和遊戲中也有很大的狂歡,在一群觀眾中間跳舞。最後,尊者Dudjom仁波切為在那裡聚集的每個人提供了兩種授權:賦予權力與自願的履行祝福祈禱和無盡的永生的長壽祝福。這是一些場合的視覺效果。

Every year during the summer retreat period at Do Monastery in Gansu there are preparations made for a great sacred smoke offering ritual, done on top of the mountain. Likewise this year the entire monastic community gathered to enjoy this happy and joyous summer celebration. On this occasion His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche and the sublime incarnation of Do Lama, Ngawang Lodro Thupten Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, presided over the sangha assembly to conduct the extensive smoke offering and praise ritual for the Triple Gem, the oath-bound protectors, the local deities of the land, and all the benevolent guardians. The ceremony symbolized an invocation of happiness for the world and was a celebration for having completed construction of a grand new protector shrine. There was also great revelry in the festivities and games of horse racing, archery, song, and dance amidst a crowd of spectators. Finally, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche offered two empowerments to everyone gathered there: the empowerment connected to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes prayer and the longevity blessing of Deathless Immortality. Here are some visuals of the occasion.




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